计算机基础教育 > 算法与程序设计类


书号:9787113239787 套系名称:无

作者:徐昊 出版日期:2017-09-01

定价:60.00 页码 / 开本:216 /16

策划编辑:周欣 责任编辑:周欣 贾星 李学敏

适用专业:无 适用层次:本科及大专院校


教学课件(暂无) 教学素材
习题答案(暂无) 教学案例(暂无)
教学设计(暂无) 教学视频(暂无)
内容简介 前言 目录 作者介绍 图书特色
  •          This book approaches a student-centered C programming teaching and learning, by radicallydeviating from the classical introductory programming book’ organization, writing and contentcommunication as a tutorial. Instead, it covers C language programming how and what as wellas the entire life cycle of a C program based on real details of implementation and application,while promoting and mastering debugging skills as the driver of the Cprogramming process. Aftermastering the C how and what, it ends by smoothly moving from C to C++.
            No previous programming background is required as it is intended to be used as the first
    introductory course in computer programming. A teaching strategy against passive reading is
    fostered along all classes from the day one, starting first with demonstratives examples followed byhands-on experiences to explore and discover the mechanism of main C concepts. Incentives foractive participation in and out of classes will be promoted.
            The recommended teaching and learning methodologies for each individual chapter not onlyleverages a comprehensive and motivational programming training by doing which issupportedby the offered code resource, but also enables feedback mechanism to students and instructorstoward better improvement of programming knowledge and skills, which will be valuable in futureworkplaces. The book alongside its suggested methodologies and code resource may be also avaluable training instruction guide for novice enterprise programming professionals.
  • Programming in C: an Overview 1.1 C Program Development Cycle ................................................. ............................1 2
    1.2 Basic Programming Tools and Concepts ...................................4
    1.3 Playing with Basic C Language Primitives and Data Types......6
    1.3.1 C Program Skeleton or Structure..................................................7
    1.3.2 Create Your First C Program .......................................................9
    1.3.3 Understanding Preprocessor-generated Files..............................14
    1.3.4 Compilation Process and Error Classes......................................18
    1.3.5 Playing with Semantic and Syntax Errors .................................22
    1.3.6 Playing with Runtime Errors: the Debugging Process ..............25
    1.4 Playing with Type Definition, Arrays and Structure ...............31
    1.5 Playing with C Language Constructs.......................................35
    1.6 Playing with C Function and Pointer .......................................46
    2 Hands-on Functions 2.1 Algorithm and Programming ............................................. ...................................................54 55
    2.2 Function Declaration and Definition........................................62
    2.3 Function Call Types and Their Mechanisms............................68
    2.4 Function and Programming Modularity...................................72
    2.5 Function Scope and Variable Lifetime.....................................81
    2.6 Recursive Function ..................................................................96
    3 Hands-on-Pointers: The Basics 3.1 Pointer and Memory............................................................... .........................104 105
    3.2 Pointer Expressions and Arithmetic.......................................110
    3.3 Pointer and Arrays..................................................................113
    3.4 Pointers and Structures...........................................................125
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    4 Hands-on-Pointers: Advanced Features 4.1 Pointers and Functions .......................................................... ...........144 145
    4.2 Command Line Arguments: Arguments to Main() ................153
    4.3 File System Basics and the File Pointer ................................162
    4.4 Dynamic Memory Management in C and Linked List ..........170
    5 From C to C++ 5.1 A Brief Overview of C++ Main Features ..................................................... .............................. 181 182
    5.2 Usage of Some C++ Key Concepts .......................................184
    I NDEX.........................................................................205 
  •  作者:徐昊,[葡]桑德罗·平托(SANDRO PINTO),夏瑀,[葡]阿德里亚诺 ·塔瓦雷斯
  •   从系统和编译的视角讲述C程序设计背后的原理和运行