铁路及土木专业教育 > 交通运输

Railway Goods Transport(铁路货物运输)

书号:9787113265878 套系名称:A Series of Textbooks on Railway Transportation for the Belt and Road

作者:刘作义 郎茂祥 出版日期:2021-01-29

定价:85.00 页码 / 开本:272 /16

策划编辑:悦彩 责任编辑:悦彩

适用专业:铁道运输类 适用层次:高等教育


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内容简介 前言 目录 作者介绍 图书特色
  • 本书为“一带一路”铁道运输系列英文教材之一,是在铁路实施“走出去”战略的背景下,为满足铁路运输国际培训和学历教育的需要而编写的,对国内外铁路运输专业的学生学习必修课程“铁路货物运输”具有重要意义。本书结合国内外铁路货物运输发展的新形势,详细论述了铁路货物运输基本条件、铁路货运设备与设施、铁路货物运输基本作业、铁路集装箱运输、铁路超限超重货物运输、铁路货物的装载、铁路货物的加固、铁路危险货物运输、铁路鲜活货物运输等内容。
  • As national economic arteries, key infrastructure and important livelihood projects, railways are the backbones of the integrated transport system and play a vital role in the economic and social development of China. China has a vast territory with a wide inland area. The distributions of resources and industries are imbalanced, and the economic gaps among different regions are significant. In this case, railways bear a heavy task of the interflows of goods among largescale regions and the outward goods transport of these regions, and are irreplaceable in promoting the national social and economic development. Compared with other modern transport modes, railway goods transport has various technical and economic advantages, such as better adaptability, larger transport capacity, a higher level of safety, a higher speed of trains, less energy consumption and environmental pollution and lower transport cost. For a long time, railways have made great contributions to the transport of pr
  • Chapter ⅠIntroduction1
    	1.1The Significance of Railway Goods Transport in the National Economy and Social 
    1.2The Characteristics of Railway Goods Transport1
    1.3Technical and Economic Characteristics of the Railway Goods Transport3
    1.4The Main Development Directions of Railway Goods Transport4
    1.5The Tasks of Railway Goods Transport Organization7
    1.6The Requirements of Learning This Course8
    Review Questions9
    Chapter ⅡBasic Conditions of Goods Transport10
    2.1Types of
  • 刘作义,北京交通大学交通运输学院副教授,多年来一直从事铁路运输方面的教学和科研工作。主持及参加部级科研项目20余项,在相关学术刊物和国际学术会议上发表论文30多篇。获得铁道部科技进步奖及中国铁道学会科学技术奖一等奖2项,二等奖2项,三等奖1项。主编3部本科生教材,包括《铁路货物运输》《运输商务》及《运输市场营销学》。郎茂祥,博士,北京交通大学交通运输学院教授、博士生导师。主要从事运输物流管理、现代货物运输技术与管理、运输市场营销管理等领域的研究工作。主持省部级以上纵向课题以及企业委托横向课题20多项。获得省部级科技奖特等奖1项、一等奖2项、二等奖2项、三等奖1项。出版学术专著1部,参与编写了10余部教材。共发表期刊论文和会议论文90余篇。