职业教育数字课程 > 机械类


书号:9787113261313 套系名称:普通高等教育机械工程类精品课程系列教材

作者:杨光辉 杨皓 出版日期:2019-12-01

定价:28.00 页码 / 开本:140 /16

策划编辑:尹娜 责任编辑:尹娜

适用专业:自动化类 适用层次:高职教育


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内容简介 前言 目录 作者介绍 图书特色
  • The book is a supporting material of Engineering Drawing textbook. It is helpful for the students to master the relevant knowledge and English vocabulary of engineering drawing.
    The book covers the fundamental knowledge of mechanical drawing,basis of projection,projection of points,lines and planes,projection of solids,objects,representations for workpieces,standard parts and commonlyused parts,detail drawing,assembly drawings,pictorial drawing,computer drawing and modeling practices,and simulation test papers.
    The book can be used as a text book for all engineering majors of college or university. It is also available for engineering technicians and selflearners.
  • In order to strengthen the international exchange and lay a good foundation on the engineering drawing, the exercise workbook of engineering drawing is edited on basis of teaching practices. The workbook has the following features:
    (1) The newly published national standards about “Mechanical Drawing” and “Technical Drawing”are adopted.
    (2) Some exercises such as construction design, drawing by computer, simulation test papers are added.
    (3) The comprehensive exercises are included in the workbook, so it can be used with the ordinary textbook simultaneously.
    The workbook has twelve chapters, such as fundamental knowledge of mechanical drawing, basis of projection, projection of points, lines and planes, projection of solids, objects,representations for workpieces, standard parts and commonlyused parts, detail drawing, assembly drawings, pictorial drawing, computer drawing and modeling practice, and simulation test papers.
    The workbook is edited by Yang Guanghui, Yang Hao, Xu Qian, Chen Ping, Chen Hua, Li Xiaowu, Cao Tong, Fan Bailin, Huo Ping and Ding Lingrong.Yang Guanghui and Yang Hao are the chief editor.
    Thank for the supports of the Youth Teaching Key Talents Training Program of University of Science and Technology Beijing, the Project on Teaching Reform and Research of Undergraduate Education of University of Science and Technology Beijing in 2017 (JG2017M14)  and in 2018 (JG2018M15), the Teaching Material Construction Foundation of University of Science and Technology Beijing (JC2019YB017).
    Due to various limitations, The workbook may contain some mistakes, and all criticisms and corrections from readers are welcome. Your suggestions can be emailed to yanggh@ustb.edu.cn.
  • Chapter 1Fundamental Knowkledge of Mechanical 
    11Instruction for basic drawing exercises1
    12Engineering letter and number exercises (write in HB pencils)2
    13Basic drawing exercises (drawing on A3 sheet)3
    Chapter 2Basis of Projection5
    21Draw the three principal views according to the cabinet oblique 
    22Complete the third view6
    23Add the missing details8
    25Comprehensive exercises10
    Chapter 3Projection of Points, Lines and Planes11
    31Projection of points11
    32Projection of lines and planes12
    33Relative position of lines and planes13
    34Transform of projection14
    35Complete the third view by analysis of lines and planes18
    Chapter 4Projection of Solids19
    41Intersection of plane and polyhedron19
    42Intersection of plane and solid with curved surface20
    43Intersection of solids with curved surface24
    44Comprehensive exercises of intersections28
    Chapter 5Objects30
    51Add the missing details of object30
    52Complete the third view of object31
    53Dimensioning exercises of object35
    54Construct the object37
    Chapter 6Representations for Workpieces41
    62Sectional views42
    63Cross sections46
    64Comprehensive exercises of sectional views 47
    65Comprehensive exercises of views, sectional views and cross 
    Chapter 7Standard Parts and Commonlyused Parts57
    71Simplified representation of screw thread57
    72Notes and labeling for screw thread 59
    73Threaded fasteners60
    74Key and pin62
    75Bearing and spring63
    77Comprehensive exercises of standard parts and commonlyused 
    Chapter 8Detail Drawing66
    81Surface roughness66
    82Tolerances and fits67
    83Geometrical tolerance69
    84Process structure of parts70
    85Reading detail drawing72
    Chapter 9Assembly Drawings80
    91Assembly process structures80
    92Read the assembly drawings and analyze the representation 
    93Read the assembly drawings and draw the detail drawings83
    94Draw assembly drawings89
    95Measurement and drawing of gear oil pump95
    Chapter 10Pictorial Drawing99
    101Isometric axonometric drawing99
    102Isometric axonometric sectional drawing101
    103Cabinet oblique drawing102
    104Sketch the pictorial drawing by freehand104
    Chapter 11Computer Drawing and Modeling Practice106
    111Basic operation of software106
    112Basic drawing operation107
    113Setting the layer108
    114Editing operation of drawing109
    115Pattern filling110
    117Block operation112
    118Comprehensive exercises of 2D drawing113
    1193D modeling and assembling115
    Chapter 12Simulation Test Papers118
    121Simulation test paper (Ⅰ)118
    122Simulation test paper (Ⅱ)122
    123Simulation test paper (Ⅲ)126
    124Simulation test paper (Ⅳ)130
  • 杨光辉,博士学位,现任北京科技大学机械工程学院副教授,“机械制图”课程负责人,教学骨干,多年从事一线教学和研究工作,先后主持参与多项国家和省部级科研项目,获得多项发明专利授权。在国内外主要期刊上发表论文30余篇,其中美国《科学引文检索》(Science Citation Index,SCI)、美国《工程检索》(Engineer Index,EI)10余篇;主编或参编《轧钢设备及自动控制》《实用机械制图与设计手册》《机械设计制图》等多种书籍。曾先后获得中国钢铁工业协会、中国金属学会冶金科学技术奖二等奖,湖北省科学技术进步二等奖,2018年获得北京市教育教学成果一等奖等。杨皓,硕士,讲师。曾经主编和参编《机械制图》、《机械设计制图》、《机械工程制图基础》、《机械制图与设计简明手册》、《工程图学CAD实践(Inventor2010)版》等教材。曾经获得过国家级教育教学成果奖二等奖、北京市教育教学成果奖等多项奖项。
  • 习题集英文版,对于专业英语难度降低,有助于学生掌握工程制图的英语专业术语